I've got nothing to prove to anybody but myself, and we're all our own worst critics, right? Here are 10 goals I'd really like to accomplish in '09 to feel a little more at ease with my own sense of fulfillment and modest accomplishments...

1) Really work towards getting a book finished. I've been writing a half dozen books for the past 10 years, with literally 1000 pages completed between them, but have never been able to pull a single one into adequate cohesion. 2009 really needs to be the year where I focus on ONE of them intensely and strive for publication (even if self published).

2) Hit the streets with info, info, info! I've got a bit of an upbringing with locally distributing my own zines, printing off flyers, stickers, etc. I need to, hard-core, get back in to this habit, and try to get a new zine out to the public this year, even if just a single issue or two.

3) Embrace weirdness, but strive to be kinder and make sense of all this chaos. Help in general understanding and don't be too obtuse or allegorical when trying to present a message of truth.

4) Keep working on the music. Get back in to a groove with it; even consider holding a concert or event  sometime this year with local musicians & artists.

5) Count my blessings, and try not to be depressed or overly worried by the fact that "things could always get worse". Stop and smell the flowers, appreciate the little things.

6) Get a much larger amount of (legitimate) traffic to the websites and reach out to more people with a truly alternative & independently motivated message.

7) Conduct a new and insightful interview that really makes me stop and say F'CKING WOW! I can't believe they agreed to an interview!

8) Patience. In teaching a well as learning.

9) Be honest, be genuine, be yourself. Also be open minded and welcome to drastic changes if necessary.

10) Stop making so many online lists about your personal affairs. Just do it!

4/7/2011 11:53:02 am

Thanks for taking this opportunity to discuss this, I feel fervently about this and I like learning about this subject.


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